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 Html5 Syntex With Example 

As We All Know Html Is A Hyper Text Markup Language Which Js Use To Build/ Design Web Pages. In Today's Date The Latest Version Of Html Is Html 5.

Let's learn Html5

Basic Html Syntex

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">


let's see some tags introduced in html 5
  1. Article tag:- This tag represents an indepandent piece of document , article or news paper.
    Written AS <article>
  2. aside tag:- This tag is use to preresent paragraph which is sightly related to the rest of the page.
    Written AS <aside>
  3. audio tag:- This tag defines audio file.
    Written AS <audio>
  4. Canvas tag:- usually canvas tag is used to render dynamic bitmap graphics, such as graphs of games and apps.
    Written AS <canvas>
  5. command tag:- Represents a command the user can invoke.
    Written AS <command>
  6. datalist tag:- This tag spacifies pre-defined options for an <input> also used to provide an "autocomplete" feature for <input>Users will see a drop-down list of pre-defined options as they input data.
    Written AS <datalist>
  7. details tag:- This tag is use to show additioal informaction or controls.
    Written AS <details>
  8. embed tag:- use to embed external content or plugin.
    Written AS <embed>
  9. figure tag:- use to specifies self-contained content like photos, diagrams, graphs, etc
    Written AS <figure>
  10. footer tag:- this tag use to create footer section, the footer tag is as same as div.
    Written AS <footer>
  11. header tag:- use to show hader contents like, the name of the site, navigaction maneu etc..
    Written AS <header>
  12. hgroup tag:- same as hader, this tag represents header of section.
    Written AS <hgroup>
  13. keygen tag:- use to control key pair generaction.
    Written AS <keygen>
  14. mark tag:- use to show referance content, the content related to the current articale.
    Written AS <mark>
  15. meter tag:- use to represent mesurement such as storage usage, internet speed etc..
    Written AS <meter>
  16. navigaction tag:- This tag represents navigaction, usually used in the hader tag.
    Written AS <nav>
  17. output tag:- use to show the output of calculaction, or formula which is done through scripting.
    Written AS <output>
  18. progress tag:- represents the progress of task such as downloading, uploding etc..
    Written AS <progress>
  19. ruby tag:- this tag is used with <rt> and <rp> which allow to marking up ruby annotations.
    Written AS <ruby>
  20. section tag:- use to create section for particular sagment of code.
    Written AS <section>
  21. time tag:- use to show the date or/and time.
    Written AS <time>
  22. video tag:- use to embed the videofile in document.
    Written AS <video>
  23. wbr tag:- represnts line break opportunity.
    Written AS <wbr>

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