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 Area Fill Attributes

Area fill attributes are used in computer graphics to fill closed shapes with colors or patterns. The fill attributes define the appearance of the interior of a shape, while the stroke attributes define the appearance of its border or outline.

The most basic type of area fill attribute is a solid color fill. This fills the entire interior of a shape with a single color. Solid color fills are useful for creating simple graphics and diagrams, or for highlighting specific areas of a more complex graphic.

Another common type of area fill attribute is a gradient fill. Gradient fills transition between two or more colors, creating a smooth, gradual transition from one color to another. This can be useful for creating more complex or visually interesting graphics.

In addition to solid color and gradient fills, area fill attributes can also include patterns or textures. These fills use repeating patterns or textures to fill the interior of a shape, creating a more interesting and varied appearance. Common patterns include diagonal lines, dots, and hatching.

Overall, area fill attributes are an important tool in computer graphics for adding color and texture to closed shapes. They can help to create visually appealing and informative graphics, and can be used to highlight specific areas or draw attention to key elements of a design.

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