Matrix Representation and Homogeneous Coordinates
Matrix representation and homogeneous coordinates are important concepts in computer graphics that are used to perform transformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling.
Matrix Representation:
In computer graphics, transformations are represented using matrices. A transformation matrix is a square matrix that describes how to transform points in space. For example, a 2D translation matrix is a 3x3 matrix that looks like this:
[ 1 0 tx ]
[ 0 1 ty ]
[ 0 0 1 ]
where `tx` and `ty` are the amounts of translation in the x and y directions, respectively.
To apply this matrix to a 2D point `(x, y)`, we multiply it by the matrix as follows:
[ x' ] [ 1 0 tx ] [ x ]
[ y' ] = [ 0 1 ty ] * [ y ]
[ 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ] [ 1 ]
where `(x', y')` are the new coordinates of the point after translation.
Homogeneous Coordinates:
Homogeneous coordinates are a way to represent points in space using an extra coordinate. In 2D graphics, a point `(x, y)` is represented as `(x, y, 1)`, while in 3D graphics, a point `(x, y, z)` is represented as `(x, y, z, 1)`. The extra coordinate, called the homogeneous coordinate, allows us to represent translations using matrix multiplication.
To apply a transformation matrix to a point represented in homogeneous coordinates, we multiply the matrix by the point as follows:
[ x' ] [ a b c tx ] [ x ]
[ y' ] = [ d e f ty ] * [ y ]
[ z' ] [ g h i tz ] [ z ]
[ w ] [ p q r s ] [ w ]
where `(x, y, z, w)` are the coordinates of the point in homogeneous coordinates, and `(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, p, q, r, s, tx, ty, tz)` are the elements of the transformation matrix.
After the multiplication, we divide the resulting coordinates by the last coordinate to convert the point back to Cartesian coordinates. For example, to convert a point `(x', y', z', w')` back to Cartesian coordinates, we divide the first three coordinates by the last coordinate:
x = x' / w'
y = y' / w'
z = z' / w'
Homogeneous coordinates are useful because they allow us to represent translations using matrix multiplication, which is not possible with Cartesian coordinates alone. They are also used to perform perspective transformations, which are important in 3D graphics.
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